Integrating the Strava Logo Onto Your Channels

If you want to grow the size of your Strava Club, it's important to ensure that your community knows all about it.

One of the most effective ways of doing that is by integrating the Strava Icon into the Follow Us section of your website, on newsletters, or other social channels. By doing this, you make it easy for your community to find your Strava Club, and be part of your Strava community.

How New York Road Runners integrate the Strava echelon.

To access the Strava logo, you simply need to download the Strava echelon here (note: the echelon in these folders is available as both a .svg and a transparent .png).

If you're still unsure how or where to integrate the Strava logo, here are a few examples of partners who have used their properties to drive their community towards a Strava Club:

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