How To Share A Strava Route

How To Share A Strava Route
Once you have created your Strava Route, it is easy to share it with your community. You can share Strava Routes in a variety of ways with both individuals and groups, ensuring that as many people as possible see the route that you have created.
Share Routes With Your Club
Whether you are on the website or the app, sharing a Strava Route with your Club is easy.
Sharing via the app
Once you have created and saved your route, navigate to it from the Maps tab on the app. You can find your saved routes by clicking the Bookmark icon to the right of the search bar at the top of the screen.
Select the saved route that you want to Share.
Click 'Share' on the screen that appears above the route details.
Select the Club you want to Share the route to under the 'Post to' section.
Add a title and description.
Click Share.
Sharing via the website
On the website head to My Routes on Strava.
Copy the URL for the route.
Paste it in to a Post on the Club Page you want to share the route with.
Your chosen route will appear at the bottom of the Post. Pro tip: Once the Route has appeared you can remove the URL and it will continue to populate the post.
Give your post a title and description. Click Publish.
Note: You can also share Strava Routes to individuals via the website. On the Route page click the down arrow next to 'Edit', click Share and then type in the names of the people you would like to share the route with.
If you want to share a route with an individual or a selected group, you can do so on Strava Messaging.
Once you have created and saved your route, navigate to it from the Maps tab on the app. You can find your saved routes by clicking the Bookmark icon to the right of the search bar at the top of the screen.
Select the route you want to share.
Click 'Share' on the screen that appears above the route details.
Next to 'Send to', select the person or the group in Strava Messaging you want to share the route with.
Add a message (this is optional)
Click Share.
Embed the Route on your Website
The Strava embed tool is a powerful way to showcase your event, race or route on your website. Embedding a Strava Route is easy, and there is a resource article dedicated to this here.
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