Athletes & Organizers

How to Embed a Strava Activity

Every day, athletes do extraordinary things on Strava. Whether they are competing in an international race or completing a personal challenge, athletes across 47 different activities share their achievements on Strava.

When a profile is public (i.e. not a 'Request to Follow') and an activity is shared publicly, it is possible to embed them on a website or blog. This allows media publications, events, and organizers to tell the story of a race or a challenge in a unique way.

Embedding a Strava activity on a website or blog is quick and easy (Note: It is not possible to embed an activity from a profile that is not public, or an activity that has been set to 'Followers' only).

1. Make sure you are logged in to your Strava account.

2. On a computer (embedding an activity is not available via the mobile application), navigate to the activity you wish to embed.

3. Click on the button inside the red box (below)

4. Copy the code that appears where it says 'Create your custom embed'. Note: a preview of the embed appears on the right of this screen.

The code looks like this:

<div class="strava-embed-placeholder" data-embed-type="activity" data-embed-id="11331075161" data-style="standard"></div><script src=""></script>

5. Copy and paste the embed code into the HTML (CMS) of the webpage you want the activity embedded on.

Note: There is no limit to the number of activities that you can embed on your website or blog.

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