Managing the Visibility of Your Data on Strava

Managing the Visibility of Your Data on Strava
Pro badge holders on Strava have the option to show or hide their effort data. This includes things like Power, Heart Rate, Calories and Speed. There is also the option to manage the visibility of the Map that appears on Strava, so you can control how much of the route you have completed.
Managing your Activity data on Strava
You can hide your activity stats via the Save Activity page after uploading a new activity recording. Look for the “Hide Stats” section when saving a new activity. Additionally, it is possible to hide stats on a previously uploaded activity using the instructions below:
On the mobile app
Locate the activity on which you’d like to hide your stats.
Tap the three-dot icon in the upper right-hand corner.
Tap Edit Activity.
Scroll down and click the eye icon under 'Hidden Details'.
Toggle the switch on (it will turn orange) next to the stat(s) you wish to hide.
Tap the 'Save Activity' button on the Edit Activity page to apply your changes.
On the Strava website
Locate the activity on which you’d like to hide your heart rate data.
Click the pencil icon to edit the activity.
Check the box next to the stat(s) you would like to hide
Click the 'Save' button on the Edit Activity page to apply your changes.
If you want more information about managing your privacy, please reference this Support article.
Hide Your Activity Start Time
In much the same way that you can hide your activity data, you can now hide the activity start time on Strava. To do this, simply:
On the mobile app
Locate the activity on which you’d like to hide your start time.
Tap the three-dot icon in the upper right-hand corner.
Tap Edit Activity.
Scroll down and click the eye icon under 'Hidden Details'.
Toggle the switch on (it will turn orange) next to Start Time.
Tap the 'Save Activity' button on the Edit Activity page to apply your changes.
On the Strava website
Locate the activity on which you’d like to hide your heart rate data.
Click the pencil icon to edit the activity.
Check the box next that says Start Time
Click the 'Save' button on the Edit Activity page to apply your changes.
Managing the Map Visibility
You can use your Map Visibility settings to hide some or all of your activity map from other Strava athletes. This includes hiding an address, hiding the start/end of activities no matter where they happen, and hiding the map completely.
After you have uploaded your first activity to Strava, the first and last 200m will be hidden from all your future activities by default. If you wish to change the default setting it is simple:
Managing your default map privacy
On the website
Hover your profile picture in the top right and select Settings from the dropdown menu.
Select Privacy Controls from the left-hand navigation menu.
Look for Map Visibility under “Additional Controls”
On the mobile app
Open your settings from the icon in the upper right corner of the You tab.
Select Privacy Controls > Edit Map Visibility.
Editing map visibility on individual activities
If there are specific activities where you wish to edit your Map visibility, it is very quick and easy. Simply:
Navigate to the activity you wish to edit.
Select Edit Map Visibility.
Use the sliders to specify the portion you want to hide or enable the option to Hide the Entire Map.
Note: When you change the map visibility of an individual activity, that does not override your default settings.
For more information on managing the visibility of your Map on Strava please reference this Support page.
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