Tips for Pro Athletes on Strava

Tips for Pro Athletes on Strava
With over 125m registered athletes - including 85% of professional cyclists - Strava is the platform that brings the world's active community together.
And this community is highly engaged. Athletes around the world are 3x more likely to engage with content on Strava than other leading social channels, and the content you post will be seen by double the number of followers on Strava than on other platforms.
In short, Strava is the platform to engage with the people who follow you on television, at races, and around the world.
Strava Best Practices
Sharing your race on Strava means leaving a trace in the history of your sport. The more personalized your activity, the more it reaches your audience, the more it’s visible and picked up by the media. To do this well, simply:
Share your GPS activity.
Title it. Strava automatically defaults the title to 'Morning Ride' or 'Lunch Run', but if you want to engage the biggest audience possible then anything other than that is better.
Add a description. You can tag your teammates and the team Club using @ mentions.
Choose which map to use. There is the Standard (default) map, or one of 15 other map types available.
Choose “Race” in the Sport Type. Not only does this increase the visibility of your activity, it also allows you to visualize the progress of your season in your Training Log.
Upload photos and/or videos to boost your engagement.
As a pro athlete, you can choose how much data you share with the Strava community. However, the more you do share, the more the audience - and media - will engage with your content.
You can find out about how to manage your data here.
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