Supercharge Your Event With Strava

Amplify Your Event

Athletes Drive Awareness

There’s nothing like seeing your Event all over Strava through athlete posts. It’s the social proof that other athletes look to when deciding what to sign up for next.

Drive Increased Engagement

Engage Your Audience Year Round

In your club, members connect and build a supportive community around your event. There's no platform like Strava for fostering community.

A Vibrant Global Community

Tour de France Femmes


89 % der Profis bei der Tour de France Femmes 2023 sind auf Strava aktiv

TCS New York City Marathon


51 % der Zieleinläufer des TCS New York City Marathon 2023 haben ihre Aktivitäten auf Strava hochgeladen (51.000 Finisher).

GranFondo Whistler


61 % der Zieleinläufer des GranFondo Whistler 2023 haben ihre Aktivität auf Strava hochgeladen (5.000 Teilnehmer)

Bring Your Event to Life on Strava

Step 1

Create Your Club

Your Club is the basecamp of your Event on Strava. Allow members to post for an even stronger community experience.

Strava How To

Starting Your Club on Strava

Starting a Club on Strava is quick, easy and free! Simply follow the steps below and your Strava Club will be live in just a few minutes.

Anyone with a Strava profile can launch a Strava Club. To get started it's as simple as 1-2-3

Starting your club

1. Create your new Club: Go to and click on 'Create a Club' (in the top right hand corner of the page).

2. Tell people about your Club: You will need to give your Club a Title, Location and Description, but can also add website links, information about activities, and create a Vanity URL.

3. Upload a Profile Photo and Cover Image: Uploading Profile and Cover photos are a chance to 'colour in' your club, showing people your logo and images from your events. (Pro tip: for the best results make sure the dimensions of your profile photo are 248 px x 248px, and of your cover photo 1180px x 579px).

4. Choose if members can post to your Club (or not). You can restrict posts to admins only, or open the Club up to members for a community-driven experience. Both options can be highly effective - depending on your goals.

Find out more

Step 3

Embed Your Event Route on Your Website

Drive Club joins by embedding world-class maps onto your website.

Strava How To

How to Embed a Strava Route

Once you’ve created the perfect route, you want to include it on your event or club website. Athletes will be able to learn more about the route or event and can save it straight to their Strava accounts from your site!

Find the Route Embed Code

You can find the route embed code on the Route Page on the web or the My Routes Page. On the Route Page, click into the overflow menu to reveal the embed option.

On the My Routes Page, click the three dot menu to reveal the embed option.

When you click “embed” you’ll be presented with a modal. Here you can see a preview of what the route will look like on your site. You can even interact with the route just like your site visitors will be able to.

You will also see an orange button labeled “Flyover” on the lower right corner of the map. Viewers of your route embed will be able to click this button and view a 3D immersive Flyover of the route. Viewers can exit the fly-through at any time by clicking the “x” button.

Learn more about using Strava Route embeds

Step 2

Organize An Event

Create a Club event on Strava to generate awareness and garner RSVPs. All your Club members will be notified when you post your event.

Strava How To

How to Create an Event on Strava

Thousands of Clubs all over the world use Strava to create and schedule events for their communities. Events can be promoted year round by organizers and athletes, with a Strava Club the ideal place to generate event awareness and drive registration.

This is your step-by-step guide to creating an event on Strava.

How to create an event

1. Create a new event.

Go to your Club profile and click 'Add Club Event'.

2. Fill out the fields associated with your event.

There are only four mandatory fields: Event Type, Event Title, Date, Start Time

However, you have the option to add a description, include a route, tell people where to meet up and more.

3. Share the event with your audience.

When you create an event on Strava, it's essential to make sure it is promoted to your audience. You can feature the event on your channels and members of your Club are able to RSVP their attendance.

Find out more about creating an event here

Step 4

Encourage Participants to Upload Their Race

When athletes upload their races to Strava, they’re promoting your event to their communities for free.

Strava How To

How to Grow Your Strava Club

Consistent posting is the key

Strava Club members who are engaged by a club are more likely to share it with their friends. Posting two- to four times per week is a great way to engage your members, but it's also important to:

Drive Discussions and Be Responsive: People keep people active. If you need to kickstart club activity, pose questions or share content that creates conversation. Ensure that you respond to community discussions as well.

Post Informative & Relevant Content: Your community is a resource for people to enhance their active lives. Sharing interesting and informative content sets the tone for what members can expect. There's more information on that here.

Surface Member Stories: Highlighting members & their activities or experiences, favorite parts of being part of your club, & maybe some of their advice encourages people to connect with each other & learn more about the community they want to get involved with.

Case Studies: How events find success on Strava

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Case Study

London Marathon Events: Inspiring Active Lifestyles

Resources: How To Grow Your Event with Strava


Use Route Embeds

Biete deinen Teilnehmern erstklassiges Kartenmaterial, indem du dynamische Routen mit individuellen Wegpunkten und einer direkten Verbindung zu deinem Club einbettest.


Engage Pros & Ambassadors

Steigere die Begeisterung in der Community, indem du Profis und Markenbotschafter dazu bringst, ihre Rennen hochzuladen, ihre Fotos hinzuzufügen und deinen Club zu markieren.


Create Value for Your Sponsors

Erhöhe die Sichtbarkeit deiner Sponsoren durch Tags und Erwähnungen in Clubbeiträgen, Co-Branding-Events oder Aktivierungen von Herausforderungen.

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