Athletes & Organizers

How To Set Your Strava Profile Up For Success

If you want to set your Strava Profile up for success, there are a few things that you should be doing:

  • Use your name

  • Add a recognizable profile picture

  • Write a bio (ideally less that 150 characters). Tell people who you are and what you've done - and feel free to have a bit of fun.

  • Do you have your own Strava Club or Sponsors? You can include them in your bio.

While you're setting up your profile, it's probably worth doing a couple of other things:

  • Connect your devices. Whether it's an Apple Watch or a Garmin, it's easy to connect your devices to Strava. Find out more here.

  • Manage your privacy settings. From the data you display to how much of the activity map you are happy for your users to see, you can manage your Privacy via the settings - there's more on that here.

And don't forget to make sure that your profile is public if you want people to be able to see what you are doing!

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